Automation Training

in Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing

Automation Training


8 hours over 1 day

Delivery Location

IoT Dudley

Delivery Partners
Manufacturing Technology Centre Limited

Delivery Model

Day, class based, part-time

Entry Requirements

None – employed in related sector that utilises or wishes to grow the use of automation practice or process.

Course Content

This 1-day session gives an Overview of Automation best practice, via a Masterclass and Q&A with a MTC Subject Matter Expert. It will explore how MTC can help with automation implementation, development and upskilling.

In this one-day session, you will: Understand Automation in the round: Hear about best practice approaches to streamline operations, reduce costs, and increase productivity by integrating advanced automation technologies and how MTC can help. From getting the basics right to scaling or improving. Embrace Industry 4.0(5.0?): Discover the latest trends and innovations driving the fourth industrial revolution, from IoT and AI to smart manufacturing. Boost Competitiveness: Equip yourself with the knowledge to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring your business remains agile and competitive in an ever-evolving market. Network with Industry Leaders: Connect with like-minded professionals at MTC, industry experts, and innovators, expanding your professional network and opening doors to new opportunities. Hands On: Take part in a practical session where you will work through a process that will bring together a number of factors you need to consider when implementing or optimising your processes, with real life questions and scenarios where we will help you work through the solutions. Practical Takeaways: Walk away with actionable strategies, practical tools, and a clear roadmap on how MTC can help you implement a wide range of changes within your organisation.

Course Assessment
  1. Delegates will have a Masterclass provided by 1 of MTC’s industry leading specialists.
  2. A full Q&A with our expert, to answer specific issues and hurdles being faced by organisations.
  3. A practical, automation-based activity designed to embed the benefits of automation, and handle some of the inevitable obstacles that organisations may face along the way.
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