Manufacturing Efficiency

in Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing

Manufacturing Efficiency


60 guided learning hours over 10 weeks

Delivery Location

IoT Dudley

Delivery Partners
Manufacturing Technology Centre Limited

Delivery Model

Day, class based/online and live, part-time

Entry Requirements

None from experience just a location of work place withing the WMCA postcode regions/in employment within a role to be able to gain an addition to role responsibility or implement a process.

Course Content

To enable managers of manufacturing organisations in the West Midlands to improve their productivity/ business metrics. The programme will include extensive analysis of their existing business to identify current and future opportunities.

This will be achieved by understanding their business strengths and challenges, and how this impacts the organisation’s ability to execute their strategy and become more profitable.

The overall goal of the programme is to help each business:
1. Analyse and improve the organisation’s ability to execute on strategy
2. Develop a stronger leadership/management team
3. Strengthen their infrastructure
4. Achieve profitable, sustainable growth

Skills Bootcamps are required to be 60 guided learning hours made up of classroom, workshops, workplace coaching, subject matter expert masterclass sessions, live & online sessions.

Skills Bootcamp Learning Objectives:
1. Complete an Organisational Analysis across 8 areas of your organisation that will improve your business impact (week 1 Analysis stage)
2. Develop and implement an action plan to measure an increase in at least 3 business metrics that align to your organisation (week 2-9 Development/ Implementation stage)
3. Review your Organisational Analysis to measure an increase in at least 3 business metrics (week 10 Measuring Success stage)

Course Assessment

The programme will be delivered via a blend of the following methods:

Scheduled delivery

  • Tutor led modules
  • Onsite visits
  • Coaching/check in sessions
  • Master class sessions

Self-paced delivery

  • Organisational analysis survey
  • Personal development skills matrix
  • Self-paced modules
  • Create/implement action plans to evidence application of learning
  • Peer group forums
More Courses in Advanced Engineering and Manufacturing

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